Learn Sylheti

I readAmi fori
You readṬumi foro
You read (polite)Afne foroin
You read (impolite)Ṭui foros
He/She readsHe/ṭai fore
He/she read (polite)Ṭain kham foroin
We readAmra fori
They readṬara foroin
You (plural) readṬumra foro
You (pl, polite) readAfnara kham foroin
I readAmi forsi
You readṬumi forso
You read (polite)Afne forsoin
You read (impolite)Ṭui forsoṭ
He/She readHe/ṭai forse
He/she read (polite)Ṭain forsoin
We readAmra forsi
They readṬara forsoin
You (plural) readṬumra forso
You (pl, polite) readAfnara forsoin
I used to readAmi forṭam
You used to readṬumi forṭam
You used to read (polite)Afne forṭa
You used to read (impolite)Ṭui forṭe
He/She used to readHe/ṭai forṭo
He/she used to read (polite)Ṭain forṭa
We used to readAmra forṭam
They used to readṬara forṭa
You (plural) used to readṬumra forṭai
You (pl, polite) used to readAfnara forṭa
I had readAmi forlam
You had readṬumi forlam
You had read (polite)Afne forla
You had read (impolite)Ṭui forle
He/She had readHe/ṭai forlo
He/she had read (polite)Ṭain forla
We had readAmra forlam
They had readṬara forla
You (plural) had readṬumra forai
You (pl, polite) had readAfnara forla
I have readAmi forilisi
You have readṬumi foriliso
You have read (polite)Afne forilisoin
You have read (impolite)Ṭui forilisoṭ
He/she has readHe/ṭai forilise
He/she have read (polite)Ṭain forilisoin
We has readAmra forilisi
They have readṬara forilisoin
You (plural) have readṬumra foriliso
You (pl, polite) have readAfnara forilisoin
I will readAmi formu
You will readṬumi forbai
You will read (polite)Afne forba
You will read (impolite)Ṭui forbe
He/She will readHe/ṭai forbai
He/she will read (polite)Ṭain forba
We will readAmra formu
They will readṬara forba
You (plural) will readṬumra forbai
You (pl, polite) will readAfnara forba

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